Send Glassdoor Reviews to Slack

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How to send Glassdoor reviews to slack in 2mn
Search, Configure, Automate.

Find your review listings across all review platforms using our built-in review profile search

Connect to Slack and configure your notifications.
Filter based on ratings, source, and review content.

Get your Glassdoor reviews on Slack.
Translate, and tag reviews directly from your Slack workspace

Share new Glassdoor reviews and reports in Slack
Send new Glassdoor reviews to your favourite Slack channel. Define filters to send only reviews with content, with specific keywords or tags, or with a certain star-rating.
Receive daily, weekly, or monthly reports to share an overview of your performance on Glassdoor.
Check out our step by step guide
Support for every review platform
We also support the following platforms:
  • Capterra, G2, Software Advice, Gartner Peer Advice, and every other software review platform

  • Trustpilot, Amazon, and other generic review platforms

  • The Chrome extensions store, Salesforce's AppExchange, Wordpress plugins, Shopify apps, Quickbooks, Xero, and every other app marketplace

  • The App Store, the Play Store, and microsoft's stores

  • Google Maps, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and other local review platforms

Need one we don't support out of the box? Ask us on the chat👇
Meet Lenny
Chat with Lenny, our AI assistant, for instant customer insights. Lenny analyzes your account's reviews, providing evidence-backed responses. Integrated with Slack, it streamlines your sales team's process by eliminating quote slides and spreadsheets.
Anyone on your team can call @reviewflowz anywhere in your workspace to ask a question to Lenny.
Note: The AI assistant provides suggestions based on the data it has access to and is not infallible. Results may sometimes be inaccurate or incomplete. Use discretion when applying its suggestions.
No API access required.
Access any company's reviews, past and future.
Export all reviews to any dataviz software.
Make your life easier with consistent data schema across all review platforms, built-in update, deletion, and reply tracking, deduplication, and language-detection. 

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