Review Automation Software

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Join hundreds of companies using reviewflowz to get more value from their customer reviews

Packed with power

How to automate review collection
Get more reviews, automatically

Automatically and instantly follow-up on NPS, CSAT or any customer survey with a review ask.

Prompt only happy customers to leave a review and collect private feedback to address unhappy customers' issues

Balance requests across review platforms with smart objectives to make the most of each review.

Define target average ratings and 5-star review counts to secure badges & report inclusions, and focus the rest of your reviews where they impact your objectives the most.

Automate incentive fulfilment on the reviewer's side to save time and improve your customers' experience

Easily group reviews by mentions of staff members, or customize each team-member's review link. Run internal contests and incentivize review collection across all teams with ease.

How to Automate review monitoring and reporting
Measure and Communicate on the right KPIs

Keep track of your review collection performance, with average ratings, reply rates, and response times, across all review platforms

We'll also monitor your ratings – and rankings – as shown on each platform, so you can translate your actions into actual results.

Analyse customer sentiment across the most mentioned topics

Sift through review extracts – bits of sentences – that speak directly to each topic for a deep dive

Export your reviews under a clean, consolidated data schema across all platforms to make your own ad-hoc analyses easily.

Give your revenue teams access to a self-serve, always up-to-date review library with AI-enabled search

Automate Replies and monitoring
Best in Class Review Management. 
On Auto Pilot.

Set up Review Monitoring that actually works with Language, Update, Deletion, and Reply Detection.

No Connection Required. 
Monitor reviews from anywhere, for any brand. Competitors included.

Customize your AI Reply Agents to match your brand's Tone of Voice, Signature, Contact info, and more.

Let the Agent reply automatically to some reviews (ratings, platforms, keywords, content lenght, ...) and leverage reply suggestions with human oversight for more complex cases

Share customer feedback with relevant teams via Slack, MS Teams, Email, or Zapier notifications.

Create public review channels to boost transparency, encourage reviews, and align teams with customer sentiments.

They automated it. 
And they love it.