How to Export your G2 Reviews in 2 minutes to a clean Excel File

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There are a number of convoluted options online to export your g2 reviews to a clean excel file.

From chrome extensions to online scrapers, odds are you’ve probably wandered across complex options already.

If you want to download a clean list of g2 reviews, whether they’re yours or not, you can head over to our pay as you go review export solution.

Download G2 Reviews to Excel at $0.01 / review

Search for the G2 product you’d like to export the reviews from, and voilà.

You can export a sample of 25 rows to get a taste and see what the file looks like, and when you’re ready, you can purchase the whole file at $0.01 per row.

Here’s what an export looks like

Here’s a list of the columns to spare your eyes

  • Profile Name: The name of the G2 profile
  • Platform: We support a bunch of review platforms, so we include the platform name in the schema. In this case: G2
  • Review ID: this is the review’s ID on the platform’s side.
  • Review title: pretty self-explanatory
  • Review overall: the content that goes under use cases on G2. Custom questions (if any are set by the vendor) will also be included here
  • Review pros: the content that goes under “What do you like most about XYZ”
  • Review cons: the content that goes under “What do you like least about XYZ”
  • Review score: The star rating
  • Review link: a direct link to the review, the same one that you can get by “sharing a review” on G2
  • Review date: the date the review was published on G2. Usually a few days after it was posted
  • Review language: the language in which the review was published. G2 doesn’t handle languages, but it might be helpful ot know what language you’re dealing with, especially if you’re planning on running bag of words analyses and stuff
  • Review locales & versions: this is used only for app store & play store reviews, empty here
  • Reviewer: the first name & first letter of the last name of the reviewer. These last few fields are how you can find out who’s giving you five stars, or who’s giving your competitors one star
  • Reviewer Company: empty on G2, available on other platforms
  • Reviewer Avatar: this is the profile picture of the reviewer on G2
  • Reviewer Job Title: the reviewer’s job title as published on G2
  • Reviewer Company Size: the reviewer’s company size as published on G2

Download G2 Reviews to Excel at $0.01 / review

If you’re looking for an ongoing review monitoring solution, check out our review monitoring solutions.

Other ways to export G2 reviews to add words to this post so Google ranks it

#1 G2 Reviews Extractor

It’s a chrome extension. You can install it, and you’ll need to create an account with them, authenticating with Google.

Once installed, you can access a g2 page, and you can run the export.

It’ll take a while and return 20 reviews, and prompt you to pay to upgrade. It’s a subscription.

At that point, you can download the sample.

Here’s a screenshot of that sample

The content isn’t parsed.

So now you’re left with either 20 reviews or a few hundred if you pay for a monthly subscription – you’ll eventually be hit by a captcha and the chrome extension won’t be able to go further – and you’ve got to parse them.

If you’re technical, you might just get away with it in a few hours. There are a few questions, and sort of common patterns in the review content. They even leave the raw review HTML in there so you can parse HTML if you weren’t sure what to do with your Sunday.

#2 Scrape G2 Reviews And Download To Excel – Extract G2

Another Chrome extension. Because why would the exact same thing not work differently right? Remember what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Oh wait.

So here’s another chrome extension. This time it’s not a subscription, it’s a course they’re selling. Right after install. Big beautiful landing page for a “free” 4 day course in growth marketing.

After you’ve subscribed to that newsletter you had no intention of subscribing to, you’ll get to the pricing page

Here goes

Fun. $5.

Except you’ll only get something like 1000 reviews, and only from one product, so you’ll probably need $39 instead.

Or you pay $149, and you get “Insights” on top.

Great stuff.

#3 Extensions box’s G2 Reviews Extractor

Oh wait, that’s just another listing redirecting to the first chrome extension. Solid growth hacking

#4 SociableKit

I think this is a winner. 1069 words and 6 screenshots to export G2 reviews.

They actually call it a “tutorial”.

So the idea here is that SociableKit is a review widget solution. So they have you signup, create a widget, export the reviews from that widget to a CSV file, and then open that into excel, which somehow takes up a massive part of the tutorial.

Then, they go on about how a widget is great and you should have a widget with your g2 reviews on your website.

They’re not wrong. You should have a widget with reviews on your website.

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